Buenos Aires, Argentina might not be the first choice for most honeymooners. But you know Jon and I, right? We love doing things that are out of the norm and unique. So, we decided to visit Buenos Aires and enjoy what this cosmopolitan city has to offer. If you plan to visit Buenos Aires, Argentina, here are some facts about the city and the things we recommend that you do as newlyweds.

The beautiful city of Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina where you can find a diverse culture – perfect for any traveler who would like to submerge themselves in a brand new place. The name of the city means ‘fair winds’ or ‘good airs,’ which I honestly think is a perfect fit because of its amazing atmosphere.

If you must know, Buenos Aires is known as an alpha – city and the quality of life are considered awesome and one of the best in Latin America. Expect to find Spanish – inspired architecture and fun – loving people who dance some sexy tango. Jon did few steps, and I couldn’t be more proud of him.

    Things We Did in Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Here are some things we did while in Buenos Aires and see if you want to do it too.


    Visited Recoleta Cemetery – Some travelers would skip Recoleta Cemetery thinking – what will I get from this experience? However, this is more than just tombs and remains. You are actually in a place where some of the most popular people in the world were put to rest. Eva Peron, the presidents of Argentina and even the granddaughter of Napoleon are there already. It is not just a regular cemetery. You will be in one of the best and most beautiful cemeteries in the world.


    Watch an Awesome Spanish Show in Jekyll & Hide at Metropolitan Theatre – I was amazed by the fantastic show we saw in Buenos Aires. You can’t take videos, though. But that’s perfectly understandable. Such art should be seen in person, and not through a camera’s lens.


    Dance Tango – This is something I would push any newlyweds to do. If you haven’t danced Tango, then learning it in Argentina would be the best option. Jon did, and I must say, he has potential! Haha!


    Relaxed and enjoyed the Spa and Rooftop Pool in Pan Americano Hotel – And what’s the best way to enjoy Buenos Aires’ city view? Check in at the Pan Americano Hotel and go to their rooftop pool. I tell you, its heaven in the city.


    Walked around Caiminito – Caiminito means ‘little path’ in Spanish. But don’t get me wrong because walking around the area will give you that ‘big’ and amazing experience. It’s a street museum where you can find colorful structures coupled with vibrant locals.


    Enjoyed Recoleta, Palomar – Jon used to be in the architecture industry and walking around Recoleta, Palomar was a feast for both of us. In here you can find classical European – inspired architecture.


    Food Trip – We ate a lot in Argentina, that’s for sure! Here are some of the things we recommend on your visit.


    On Our Date Night – Empanada – We had empanada as an appetizer for our dinner date. It was so satisfying – I questioned myself if I can still have more meals.

    Chicken Appetizer – Jon had another appetizer, and yet again, it was equally delightful.

    Angus Beef – Jon had a huge appetite, so he chose this mouth-watering plate of Angus Beef with delicious potatoes on the side.


    Bife de Lomo – I had my Argentinian Steak! I think you should get this too.

    Street Food Galore – We ate some amazing sandwiches paired with delicious food while on the streets of Buenos Aires. And yes, I want to do it again. You can even find local pizzas sold on the streets too! You will never get hungry in here.

    Parilla (Barbeque Grill House) – If you are in Buenos Aires, you better eat at some popular Parilla and savor great meat.

    You can also try their salads which are very fresh and healthy.

    Our Wish List on our Next Visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina

    There are, of course, some things which we were not able to do while in Argentina. After all, we were working most of the time to catch up with deadlines. Nevertheless, here are some of the activities that we plan on doing on our next visit.


    Visit the street market in San Telmo – We did some grocery shopping while in Buenos Aires, and well, I must say that we spent a lot. Perhaps, it was because we didn’t know where to find local produce. Next time, we will find the street market in San Telmo and use my bargaining skills.


    Watch some real cowboys at Feria de Mataderos – Watch some gauchos demonstrate their wild moves and enjoy the feast later on.

    National History Museum Based on the architecture and structures within the city, it is already obvious that Buenos Aires holds a rich history. If our time permits on our next visit, I will go to the museum and understand the culture in a more in-depth perspective.

    Where We Stayed


    PanAmericano Hotel – If you want to see the best view of Buenos Aires, you better choose the PanAmericano Hotel. The rooms will provide you that extreme comfort – something you deserve while you are within the hustle and bustle of the city. The location is perfect, the service is awesome, and the food is to die for.


    Airbnb – We also stayed in this beautiful AirBnB apartment where you can feel at home and do the ‘normal’ house chores you can’t do in luxurious hotels. We even cooked in our apartment! Oh and if you have a planned trip and you want to have a travel voucher, please visit airbnb.com/c/jhowe75 and get a free stay worth $31.

    Smart Travel Tips and Recommendations

    Here are some of our smart travel tips and recommendations when you are visiting Buenos Aires, Argentina.


    Transportation/ Taxi Fare – Our fare from the airport to our apartment was already $40! But if you are going around the city using a cab, it would be around $6.


    ATM Fees – There’s a fee of $6 for ATM transactions.


    Individual Travel Budget – If you have a tight budget, you can enjoy Buenos Aires for around $30/day. This means you will stay in affordable accommodations like hostels. Of course, the budget can change depending on your travel style.


    Water ­– You don’t have to buy bottled water in Buenos Aires as their tap water is safe to drink. But if you think you are overly sensitive when it comes to water, then go ahead and allot budget for it.


    Look for Free Walking Tours – There are some free walking tours to choose from. Make sure you join few and make new friends from there.


    Who would have thought that Buenos Aires, Argentina can be a perfect spot for honeymooners? If you are planning to get married soon, going here for your honeymoon isn’t such a bad idea. Who knows if you can perfect some Tango dances, right?

    Note: Our trip was made possible by Destino Argentina. However, all opinions are our own.

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    Kach Umandap

    Kach Umandap

     Thursday, January 12, 2023 9:35 AM
